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Wamego Middle School's Principal Page

Welcome to Wamego Middle School!  We are privileged to educate sixth through eighth graders at one of the most transitional times in their lives.  We see them from ages 11 to 15, and there are so many changes during these years!  Our students are energetic, curious, and funny.  There is no greater way to spend the day as an educator!
Our school motto, Personal Responsibility in Daily Efforts, was written by a seventh grade homebase about six years ago.  They presented their idea, sharing with us all that being responsible all the time in all things is the way to success.  We adopted this motto and it has become the foundation of the work we do - it applies to us all, every day. PRIDE is a constant reminder that we each have a choice to pursue personal greatness and to be responsible for our actions and work.  
In the last few years, the middle school approach to learning has been strongly influenced by new strategies that require more student input, more hands-on learning, and more writing.   Students are designing learning and responding to critical questions that are purposefully geared to helping them dig deeper into learning!  We support our students’ needs with MTSS interventions in reading, math, and study skills, as well as advanced classes in math and science.  We have amazing electives - band, vocal music, business, Spanish, World Cultures, Environmental Science, Civics, physical education, art, drama and technology/wood shop.  Students have opportunities to participate in activities that are focused on service and caring for others: Ambassadors, Raider Student Volunteer Program, Student Council, community service days and homebase activities.  Students are supported by an outstanding faculty and staff, always ready to create authentic learning experiences and to help in any way possible.   
You are ALWAYS welcome at Wamego Middle School.  We count on our parents and families to be our partners in educating and supporting these amazing young adults!  
See you at school!
Brad Couture
WMS Principal
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