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Professional Learning Communities


West Elementary School Professional Learning Communities

West Elementary School has embraced the Professional Learning Communities model for school improvement. The three “big ideas” of a PLC are a focus on learning, collaboration, and a focus on results. Every teacher is a member of at least one PLC team that will meet regularly to address curriculum, instruction, and assessment issues with a focus on learning and results. In addition to weekly team meetings, vertical team meetings across grade levels will also be organized to ensure continuity from building to building and grade level to grade level.

West Elementary Mission Statement (Why do we exist?)


The mission of West Elementary is to encourage and assure learning and growth for all through a global community of support.


West Elementary Vision Statement (What do we want to become to accomplish our purpose?) Our vision is to work collaboratively to provide a safe, positive learning environment. We will implement a rigorous and relevant curriculum to meet our students’ needs for today, tomorrow, and the future.


West Elementary Collective Commitments (How will we behave to create the school that will achieve our vision?)

  • We will provide a safe, inviting environment for all.
  • We will keep our students’ needs and learning first.
  • We will establish a culture where effort, perseverance, practice, and failure are necessary to the learning process.
  • We will work with our families and community to achieve our school’s mission.
  • We will effectively collaborate using agreed upon norms and team-developed SMART goals.
  • We will create and implement a standards-based curriculum that focuses on best practice, research-based strategies, and 21st Century learning skills.
  • We will use data to guide educational decision-making for student growth.


West Elementary PLC Leadership Team

West Elementary has established a PLC Leadership Team to allow teachers the opportunity to have a voice in the decision-making processes in our school related to student and staff learning. Membership on the PLC Leadership Team is voluntary and those participating will be expected to adhere to the following norms and purpose established by the PLC Leadership Team.


West PLC Leadership Team Norms

We will model the PLC framework with our colleagues by being supportive, encouraging, and collaborative and show respect by being prepared and beginning and ending on time, actively listening, focusing on open, honest, and productive conversations honoring the will of the group.


Purpose of the West Elementary PLC Leadership Team

The purpose of the West Elementary PLC Leadership Team is to

  • promote shared leadership by identifying and addressing the needs of the building community.
  • be the vanguard of decision-making in the interest of making our school the best place it can be for students and staff
  • guide the PLC process and communicate decisions to staff related to student growth

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